Familienaam |
Voornaam |
Titel |
Uitgifte |
Inside informatie |
Abbott |
James |
Journey from Heraut to Khiva, Moscow and St Petersburg |
1843 |
bevrijdde Russ. slaven in 1839 uit Khiva |
Allen |
Charles |
A mountain in Tibet, the search for mount Kailas and the sources of the great rivers |
1982 |
meerdere vroegere expedities in die regio |
Alder |
Garry |
Beyond Bokhara, the live of William Moorcroft |
1985 |
biografie |
Aljoshin |
Dmitri |
Asian odyssey |
1940 |
door Ungern gerecruteerde Witte officier 1920 tot 1921 |
Baddeley |
John |
The Russian conquest of the Caucasus |
1908 |
herdruk in 1969 |
Badmayev |
schimmige spion die idee van anexatie van Tibet stelt |
Bailey |
Frederick |
Mission to Tashkent |
1946 |
spionage na revolutie Bolshevieken |
Baldizzone |
Tiziana & Gianni |
Tibet, het land van de achtenswaardige rovers - in het voetspoor van Alex. David-Neel |
1995 |
vooral foto's + uitleg - verwijzingen naar exp. in 1920 |
Battuta |
Ibn |
Travels of Ibn Battuta, AD 1325 - 354 |
1995 |
Battuta |
Ibn |
Ibn Battuta in black Africa - 14 eeuw |
1994 |
Bekovich |
Alexander |
kleine expeditie op weg naar Khiva vermoord in 1717 |
Benson |
Linda |
The Ili rebellion |
1990 |
opstand te Xinjiang van 1944 tot 1949 |
Bode baron |
Clement de |
Travels in Luristan and Arabistan |
1845 |
Bonvalot |
Gabriel |
Across Thibet - 2 vol. |
1998 |
Bonvalot |
Gabriel |
Through the heart of Asia. Over the Pamirs to India |
1889 |
vooral exploratie |
Brownstone |
Franck, Irene, David |
The Silk Road, a history |
1986 |
overzicht vanaf 2de eeuw BC |
Brun |
A.H. |
Troublous times |
1931 |
vriend van Paul Nazaroff, tesamen gewerkt in Afrika |
Brydon |
William |
overlevende van Kabulmoord in 1841/42 - Gandamak |
Burnaby kapitein |
Frederick |
A ride to Khiva |
1876 |
rit door Klein Azie tot Khiva |
Burnaby kapitein |
Frederick |
On a horseback through Asia Minor |
1877 |
enorm anti-russich - tocht in Turkije |
Burnes sir |
Alexander |
Travels in to Bokhara, India to Cabool, Tartary, Persia, on the Indus from the sea |
1834 |
herdruk van de 3 vol |
Burnes sir |
Alexander |
Cabool 1836 - 37 - 38 |
1842 |
herdruk in 1973 |
Borodin |
Michail |
tesamen met Roy de belangrijkste spion in de jaren 20 |
Byron |
Robert |
The road to Oxiana |
1982 |
Cable |
Mildred |
The Gobi desert |
1942 |
minderheden Jiayuguan |
Carlisle |
George the Earl of |
Diary in Turkish and Greek waters |
1854 |
Carne |
John |
Letters from the east |
1826 |
Carr |
E.H. |
History of Soviet Russia |
historicus in de jaren 1920 |
Cherniaev |
Mikhail |
veroverde met kleine troepenmacht Tashkent in 1865 |
Christie |
Charles |
eerste belangrijke speler in 1810 te Afghanistan |
Clavijo don |
Ruy Gonzales de |
Narrative of the emb. of D.C. to the Court of Timur |
1859 |
op visite bij Timour Lenk in 1403 - 1406 |
Conolly luitenant |
Arthur |
Journey to the north of India, overland from England through Russia, Persia, Afghanistan |
1834 |
2 vol - gestopt te Kandahar, bestem. Khiva |
Curzon |
George |
Russia in Central Asia and the Anglo Russian question |
1889 |
is echte havik - fantastische treinreis |
Curzon |
George |
The Pamirs and the source of the Oxus |
1896 |
Curzon |
George |
Life of Lord Curzon, being the authorized biography |
1928 |
herdruk van 3 vol in 1977 |
Danziger |
Nick |
Danzigers travels |
1987 |
pocher met voor ons onbereikbare externe hulp |
Demant Mortenson |
Inge |
Nomads of Luristan, and their material culture |
1993 |
bezoeken in 1935 en 1964 door dezelfe mensen |
Diver |
Maud |
The hero of Herat. A frontier biography in romantic form |
1930 |
Drege |
J.P. |
De zijderoute, 20 eeuwen handelswegen tussen China en Europa |
1988 |
foto's met veel uitleg, syntese van Japanse expeditie |
Drew |
William |
Dunn |
Ross E. |
The adventures of Ibn Battuta - 14 th Century |
1989 |
moslimreiziger in het midden oosten |
Etherton |
Percy |
Across the roof of the world |
ambassadeur Kashgar tijdens Bolshevieken |
Etherton |
Percy |
Crisis in China |
1970 |
herdruk |
Filchner |
Wilhelm |
Storm over Asia, experiences of a secret diplom. agent |
1924 |
verhaalt over Russ. spionnen preparatie invasie Tibet |
Fleming |
Peter |
News from Tartary (Op reis door Tartarenland - Hollandia ISBN 9064101221) |
1936 |
onderzoek naar situatie Xinjiang via N. Tibet |
Foltz |
Richard |
Religions of the Silk Road, overland trade and cult. exchange untill 15 century |
1999 |
Forbes Manz |
Beatrice |
The rise and rule of Tamerlane |
1999 |
Forster |
George |
Journey from Bengal to England through N. India, Afgh. Persia, into Russia by the Casp. |
1996 |
trip van 1782 to 1784 |
Forsyth sir |
Douglas |
Report of a mission to Yarkant in 1873 |
1875 |
Forsyth sir |
Douglas |
On the geographical results of the mission to Kashgar |
1878 |
handelsmissie naar Kashgar (Yakub Beg) in 1874 |
Fowler |
George |
Three years in Persia (with traveling adventures in Koordistan) |
1841 |
enkel vol 2 welke enkel Koerdistan bevat |
Fraser |
James Baillie |
An historical and descriptive account of Persia ... Afghanistan and Beloochistan |
1834 |
vooral beste kenner van Perzie |
Fraser-Tytler sir |
William K. |
Afghanistan |
1950 |
vooral het best als kenner van Perzie |
Frunze |
Michail |
rekende af met de basmachi |
Gibb |
H.A.R |
Travels of Ibn Battuta A.D. 1325 - 1354 |
1999 |
N. Afrika, Indie, M. Oosten, Z. Rusland |
Glazebrook |
Philip |
De reis naar Kars |
1984 |
andere kijk op reisverslagen en impressies |
Goldstein |
Melvyn |
Nomads of West Tibet |
1990 |
co auteur : Cynthia M. Beall |
Gordon |
Thomas E. |
The roof of the world, the high plateau of Tibet, to the Oxus sources on Pamir |
1876 |
ondergeschikte van Forsyth's missie naar Kashgar |
Gordon |
Thomas E. |
A varied life |
1906 |
mocht van Y. Beg rechtstreeks zuidelijk naar Indie |
Gromchevsky |
ontmoet Youngh. in Hunza - geeft later biogr. aan Y. |
Grousset |
Rene |
The empire of the steppes |
1939 |
overzicht plunderingen |
Hayward |
George |
Journey from Leh to Yarkand and Kashgar |
1869 |
ook in Kashgar in 1868 - vermoord te Darkot in 1870 |
Hedin |
Sven |
Big Horse's flight : the trail of war in Central Asia |
1936 |
zijn exped. werd beeindigd door de opstand |
Hedin |
Sven |
Door de woestijnen van Asie |
1960 |
per boot naar en op Lop Nor meer + woestijnoversteek |
Hedin |
Sven |
Trans-Himalaya, discoveries and adventures in Tibet (vol.1) |
1903 |
reisverslag |
Hedin |
Sven |
Trans-Himalaya, discoveries and adventures in Tibet (vol.2) |
1903 |
reisverslag |
Hedin |
Sven |
The Silk Road |
1994 |
reisverslag |
Hedin |
Sven |
My life as an explorer ( intro van P. Hopkirk ) |
1996 |
verhaald door Hopkirk |
Hedin |
Sven |
Across the Gobi desert |
1968 |
herdruk |
Hedin |
Sven |
To the Forbidden Land, Discoveries and Adventures in Tibet |
1998 |
Hedin |
Sven |
Central Asia and Tibet (Towards the Holy City of Lhasa) |
1903 |
Holdsworth |
May |
Turkestan in the 19th century |
1959 |
Hopkirk |
Peter |
The great game - on secret service in High Asia |
1991 |
schimmenoorlog tot 1917 |
Hopkirk |
Peter |
Setting the east ablase - Het gedroomde rijk |
1984 |
vervolg ervan tot 1940 |
Hopkirk |
Peter |
Foreign devils on the Silk Road |
1984 |
plunderingen |
Hopkirk |
Peter |
Trespassers on the roof of the world - the race for Lhasa |
1983 |
schimmenoorlog |
Hopkirk |
Peter |
Quest for Kim : in search of Kiplings Great Game |
1999 |
Ignatiev |
Nikolai |
Khiva, Bokhara in 1858 - consolidatie Siberie in 1859 |
Ivanov |
Nikolai |
1875 |
garnizoenleider Alexandrovsk tijdens Burnaby's reis |
Kalmykow |
Andrew D. |
Memoirs of a Russian diplomat...outpost of the empire from 1893 - 1917 |
1971 |
rapporten - reisde door richting Japan |
Kaye |
John William |
History of the war in Afghanistan |
1998 |
verslaggever vanuit Indie over de Afgh. oorlog |
Khalfin |
N.A. |
Russia's policy in Central Asia 1857 - 1863 |
1964 |
moderne historicus |
Khan |
Imran |
Warrior race, a journey through the land of the tribal Pathans in Pakistan |
1993 |
vooral foto's met bijhorende verklaringen |
Khanikov |
Nikolai |
in 1858 te Kabul voor diplomatieke openingen |
Kessler |
M.M. |
Ivan Vitkevitch, a tsarist agent in Central Asia |
1960 |
verslag tussen 1806 en 1839 |
Kinneir |
John Macdonald |
Journey through Asia Minor, Armenia and Koordistan in 1813 - 1814 |
1818 |
Kinneir |
John Macdonald |
A geographical memoir of the Persian empire |
1973 |
de eerste echte analyst in Engeland in de 19 eeuw |
Knight |
E.F. |
Where three empires meet : Kashmir, W. Tibet, Gilgit and the adj. countries |
1993 |
reporter tijdens de Hunza veroveringen in 1889 - 1891 |
Knobloch |
Edgar |
Monuments of Central Asia |
2000 |
vooral archeologie, kunst en architectuur |
Knobloch |
Edgar |
Beyond the Oxus : archaeology, art & architecture of Central Asia |
1972 |
Kipling |
Rudyard |
Kim |
1901 |
N. Pakistan tijdens schimmenspel |
Krist |
L.F. |
Journey of a Russian mission to Bokhara in 1870 |
Krist |
Gustav |
Prisoner in the forbidden land |
1938 |
gevangene van de Russen |
Krist |
Gustav |
Alone through the forbidden land |
1938 |
fantastische reis bij Bolshevieken |
Lal |
Mohan |
Through Panjab, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Khorassan and part of Persia |
1834 |
met Alex. Burnes in 1832 via Kabul naar Bokhara |
Lal |
Mohan |
Life of Amir Dost Muhammed Khan of Kabul |
1846 |
2 vol. orig. // reprint OUP 399 blz , 40$ |
Lattimore |
Owen |
The desert road to Turkestan |
1929 |
landtrip met kameel via de Gobi |
Lattimore |
Owen |
High Tartary ( vervolg van ... ) |
1929 |
vervolg ervan in Xinjiang |
Layard |
Austen Henry |
Early adventures in Persia, Susiana and Babylonia |
1887 |
reis via Balkan, Turkije naar Perzie in 1839 |
Layard |
Austen Henry |
Nineveh and its remains |
1970 |
leidde de opgravingen |
Macartney |
George |
met Youngh. naar Pamir-gap en Kashgar in 1890 - 91 |
Macgahan |
J.A. |
Campaigning on the Oxus and the fall of Khiva |
1874 |
Maclean |
Fitzroy |
Eastern approaches |
1999 |
Maclean |
Fitzroy |
To the back of beyond : an illustrated companion to Centr. Asia and Mongolia |
1974 |
historie van die regios met veel foto's |
Mahfuz |
Ali |
The truth about Russia and England |
1886 |
Maillart |
Ella |
Toerkestan solo |
1933 |
wandeling Tien Shan + Aral meer |
Maillart |
Ella |
Forbidden journey |
1937 |
zending Xinjiang tesamen met Peter Fleming |
Malcolm |
John |
diplomatieke missie in 1800 naar Teheran |
Malleson |
Wilfrid |
leidde spionnen op te Mashad |
Mannerheim |
Gustaf |
Rit door Azie |
1942 |
in 2 jaar vanuit Moskau tot Peking in 1903 |
Marvin |
Charles |
The Russian advance towards India, conversat. with Skobeleff, Ignatieff and others ... |
1882 |
havik - enkel polemieken |
Marvin |
Charles |
The Russians at Merv and Herat |
1885 |
havik - enkel polemieken |
Marvin |
Charles |
The region of eternal fire : journey to the petroleum region of the Caspian in 1883 |
1884 |
Marvin |
Charles |
Reconnoitring Central Asia, pioneering adventures in the region betw. Russia and India |
herdruk in 1996 |
Masson |
Charles |
Journeys in Balochistan, Afghanistan and the Panjab ( from 1826 on ) |
1977 |
ook te Kabul in 1837 als antiquair, anti Burnes |
Mc Neill |
John |
The progress and present position of Russia in the east in 1836 |
1836 |
zorgde voor de opleiding van de 'spelers' |
Michaud |
Roland and Sabrina |
Afghanistan |
1980 |
vooral foto's met bijhorende uitleg |
Michaud |
Roland and Sabrina |
Caravans to Tartary |
1980 |
vooral foto's met bijhorende uitleg |
Mitford |
Edward |
tesamen met Layard naar Perzie in 1839 |
Mitrokhin |
Leonid |
Failure of three missions |
1987 |
Russische versie van de schimmenoorlog |
Mitrokhin |
Vasili |
The sword and the shield : secret history of the KGB |
2000 |
Moorcroft |
William |
via Aghanistan naar Bokhara in 1824 |
Moran & Johnson |
Kerry & Russell |
Kailas, on pelgrimage to the sacred mountain of Tibet |
1989 |
vooral foto's met bijpassende uitleg |
Muraviev |
Nikolai |
Journey to Khiva through the Turkoman country 1819 - 20 |
1871 |
Russ. speler in Afgh. en N. Pakistan einde 19 eeuw |
National Geographic Society in 1830 te Londen opgericht |
Nazaroff |
Paul |
Hunted through Central Asia |
1932 |
detail natuur & mens |
Nazaroff |
Paul |
Moved on ! |
1943 |
vanuit Kashgar naar de vrije wereld |
Newby |
John |
The progress and present position of Russia in the east |
1836 |
Newby |
Eric |
A short walk in the Hindu Kush ( ook in het Nederlands ) |
1998 |
hedendaagse reiziger - nogal stuntelig |
Nomachi |
Kazuyoshi |
Tibet |
1997 |
fotoboek met enige uitleg |
O'Donnovan |
Edmond |
The Merv Oasis, travels and adventures east of the Caspian during 1879 - 80 - 81 |
1970 |
reporter Daily News om Skob's acties te bespieden |
Oliphant |
Laurence |
The Russian shores of the Black Sea and a tour through the Don Cossaks country |
1854 |
Oliphant |
Laurence |
The Russian shores of the Black Sea (1853) and a journey to Katmandu (1852) |
1998 |
Ayers uitgave in 1970 enkel vol 1 - ISBN 0405030541 |
Ossendowski |
Ferdinand |
Beasts, men and gods |
1922 |
Pools geoloog, getuige van Ungern's brutaliteiten te Urga |
Palgrave |
William Gifford |
Narrative of a year's journey through Central and Eastern Arabia (1862 - 1863) |
1868 |
reisverteller in de 19 eeuw |
Palmerston |
Lord |
minister van buitenlandse zaken tijdens Vixen-crisis |
Petrovsky |
Nikolai |
consul te Kashgar, hield Engelsen er lang uit |
Polo |
Marco |
The travels of Marco Polo, the complete Yule-Cordier edition (vol.1) |
1993 |
Polo |
Marco |
The travels of Marco Polo, the complete Yule-Cordier edition (vol.2) |
1993 |
Pottinger |
Eldred |
held van de succesvolle verdediging van Herat in 1838 |
Pottinger |
George |
The Afghan connection : the extraordinary adventures of major Eldred Pottinger |
1983 |
Pottinger |
Henry |
Travels in to Beloochistan and Sinde |
1816 |
met Charles Christie de eerste spelers |
Pottinger |
Richard |
Travels through Sind, Baluchistan and Punjab |
hardcover herdruk van 19 eeuwse uitgave |
Pozner |
Vladimir |
Bloody Baron, the story of Ungern-Sternberg |
1938 |
Pozner |
Vladimir |
Eyewitness : a personal account of the unraveling of the Soviet Union |
1992 |
verval van het eens zo grote Russische rijk |
Roberts |
Frederick |
leidde verschillende veldslagen in Afghanistan in 1879 |
Rawlinson |
Henry |
Engl. and Russia in the East, a series of papers on pol. - geogr. cond. of C. Asia |
1875 |
onmoet in 1837 graaf Simonich in Perzie |
Roy |
Manabendra Nath. |
Revolution and counterrevolution in China |
1946 |
moest Indie destabiliseren o.a. via oprichten Comm. partij |
Roy |
Manabendra Nath. |
Memoirs |
1964 |
Ruysbroeck |
Willem van |
The mission of Friar ... his journey to the court of the great Khan Meongke 1253 |
1998 |
verteld door hemzelf |
Said |
Edward W. |
Orientalism |
1979 |
hoe de Orient door westerlingen werd geconstrueerd |
Sale |
Lady |
A journal of the disasters in Afghanistan 1841-2 |
1843 |
Sale |
Lady |
First Afghan war |
1969 |
Shaw |
Robert |
Visits to High Tartary, Yarkand and Kashgar |
1871 |
eerste te Kashgar in 1868/69, ontmoette Yakub Beg |
Sellier |
Jean & Andre |
Atlas des peuples d'orient (Moyen Orient + Caucase + Asie Centrale) |
prachtig boek over migraties |
Shakespear |
Richmond |
zocht Abbott en bevrijdde 416 Russische slaven |
Singer |
Andre |
Lords of the Khyber |
1984 |
het Afghaans conflict - visie van een protagonist |
Skobelev |
Mikhail |
veroveraar van Geok-Tepe in 1881 |
Snelling |
John |
Travelers and pelgrims at mount Kailas, and the great universal symbol of the mountain |
1990 |
Spencer |
Edmund |
Travels in Circassia, Krim Tartary |
1838 |
per stoomboot vanaf Wenen en rond de Zwarte Zee |
Spencer |
Edmund |
Travels in the western Caucasus, including a tour through ... |
1838 |
ook verslag over Imeritia, Turkije, Moldavie, Silesia |
Stark |
Freya |
The valleys of the Assassins and other Persian travels |
1934 |
Stein |
Aurel |
On Central Asian tracks : narrative of 3 expeditions in innermost Asia and NW China |
1998 |
meerdere expedities |
Stein |
Aurel |
On Alexander's track to the Indus |
1929 |
persoonlijke exploratiegegevens |
Stein |
Aurel |
Sand-burried ruins of Khotan |
1999 |
Stein |
Aurel |
Ruins of desert Cathay - 2 vols |
1996 |
Stewart |
Charles |
Through Persia in disguise |
1911 |
bespiedde vanuit Afgh. Skob.'s acties te Geok-Tepe |
Teichman |
Eric |
De reis naar Turkestan, van Peking naar Kasjgar |
1937 |
naar Xinjiang per truck ( politieke zending ) |
Terentiev |
M.A. |
Russia and England in the struggle for the markets in Central Asia |
1876 |
Trebeck |
George |
Travels in India, Hindustan, Punjab, Ladakh, Kashmir, Peshawar, Kabul, Kunduz, Bokhara |
1996 |
met Moorcroft in 1820 mislukte Bokhara-missie |
Ure |
John |
The trail of Tamerlane |
1980 |
Urquhart |
David |
The spirit of the east |
1839 |
havik, pro-Turks, Vixen incident in 1836 te Circassie |
Urquhart |
David |
Some chapters in the life of a Victorian Knight Errant of Justice & Liberty |
1970 |
Vambery |
Arminius |
Travels in Central Asia |
1970 |
havik - enkel polemieken (Hongaarse jood) |
Vambery |
Arminius |
Life and adventures of .... |
1883 |
herdruk in 1998 |
Vasel |
Georg |
My Russians jailers in China |
1937 |
ingenieur - verhaalt Ma's (Big Horse) opstand |
Vitkevitch |
Yan |
te Kaboel in 1837 - zelfmoord in 1839 na terugkomst |
Warburton |
Eliot |
The crescent and the cross or travels in Egypt and the holy land |
1888 |
Whitfield |
Susan |
Life along the silk road |
2000 |
Wilson sir |
Robert Thomas |
Sketch of the military and political power of Russia in the year 1817 |
1817 |
generaal die Russofobie startte vanaf 1807 |
Wimmel |
Kenneth |
In search of the secrets of Central Asia ( tesamen met Ella Maillart geschreven) |
1997 |
Winstone |
Harry Victor Fred. |
Captain Shakespear : a portrait |
1978 |
eenzame belangrijke onderzoeker in 19 eeuw |
Wolff |
Joseph |
Narrative of a mission to Bokhara |
1845 |
op zoek naar Stoddard en Conolly |
Wolff |
Robert Lee |
The Balkans in our time |
1978 |
Wood kapitein |
Frances |
Did Marco Polo go to China ? |
1995 |
Wood |
John |
A journey to the source of the river Oxus |
1841 |
herdruk in 1976 |
Wriggins Hovey |
Sally |
Xuanzang : a buddhist pelgrim on the silk road |
1998 |
Wu |
Aitchen K. |
Turkistan tumult |
1940 |
gezant van Big Horse |
Yermolov |
Alexis |
graag geziene militaire gouverneur van de Caucasus |
Yung |
Peter |
Xinjiang. The silk road, islam's overland route to China |
1986 |
vooral foto's met enige uitleg en verklaringen |
Zviagelskaia |
Irina |
The Russian policy debate on Central Asia |
1995 |