Travel to Udaipur (Rajasthan)

Sights in Udaipur : Udaipur has a very beautiful lake and palaces. It is a cozy Indian city worth staying a few days to check out.
Budget hotels and cheap accommodation in Udaipur : Lalgat Guesthouse Hotel, 300 rupees per 3 bed room (triple), 250 rupees for a double with shower, dormitory beds are also available. The guest house has a great terrace with view on the lake, big clean rooms, internet, laundry (wash basin and washing lines on the roof terrace).
Getting and exchanging cash in Udaipur : there is one ATM machine at the HDFC bank next to the post office that accept cards connected to Cirrus, Maestro or VISA. -
Buying books and travel guides in Udaipur : just like in
Pushkar there are many book shops in Udaipur although the choice of travel guides is smaller than in Pushkar. Only the Lonely Planet travel guides and other books about India can be easily found everywhere.
internet cafes in Udaipur : there are many internet cafes in the touristy part of Udaipur, the connection is quite good and the price is everywhere 50 rupees for 1 hour on the computer.
Travel by public transport from Udaipur to Bombay (Mumbai) : you can catch the bus that leaves Udaipur 15.30, arrival in Bombay 21:00, the bus ticket costs 400 rupees.