Travel to Khanty-Mansiysk

travel with public transport : from here there is bustransport possible if you arrive with the boat from Salekhard.
Severrechflot : operates more than twenty hydrofoil lines to the villages in the area of Chanty-mansiysk; two times per week to Tobolsk, daily to Berezovo and two times per week from Berezovo to Salekhard. Flowering company with good and fast boats. (Contact Telephone numbers 39468, 39467, 39466, 39290, 39243, 39285, 39477, 30881; fax (34671)36050).
hotel - hotels : Gastinjitse Tobol is situated in a boat in the harbour, they have no telephone and no hot water. Beds cost from 100 Rubel in a room of 5 beds, between 200 and 408 Rubel in the first class rooms.