Albania Photos

  1. Albania Photos gallery 1
  2. Albania Photos gallery 2
  3. Albania Photos gallery 3
  4. Albania Photos gallery 4
  5. Albania Photos gallery 5
  6. Albania Photos gallery 6
  7. Albania Photo of a statue in central Tirana
  8. Albania photo of Tirana: mosaic mural on Sheshi Skënderbej (Skanderbeg square), facade of the national museum of history. The mural entitled Albania shows Albanians victorious from Illyrian times to World War II
  9. Albania photo of Tirana: mosaic mural on Sheshi Skënderbej (Skanderbeg square), facade of the national museum of history. The mural entitled Albania shows Albanians victorious from Illyrian times to World War II
  10. Albania photo of Tirana: clock tower (Kulla e Sahatit) on Sheshi Skënderbej (Skanderbeg square).
  11. Albania photo of Tirana: Communist Statue of the Unknown Partisan waving his comrades into battle with one hand and his rifle in the other.
  12. Albania photo of Tirana: Communist Statue of the Unknown Partisan waving his comrades into battle with one hand and his rifle in the other.
  13. Albania Photo of a statue in central Tirana
  14. Albania photo of Tirana: mosaic mural on Sheshi Skënderbej (Skanderbeg square), facade of the national museum of history. The mural entitled Albania shows Albanians victorious from Illyrian times to World War II
  15. Albania photo of Tirana: mosaic mural on Sheshi Skënderbej (Skanderbeg square), facade of the national museum of history. The mural entitled Albania shows Albanians victorious from Illyrian times to World War II
  16. Albania photo of Tirana: mosaic mural on Sheshi Skënderbej (Skanderbeg square), facade of the national museum of history. The mural entitled Albania shows Albanians victorious from Illyrian times to World War II
  17. Albania photo of Tirana: Bus station. Albanian buses to Tirane, Berat, Gjirokaster.
  18. Albania photo of Tirana: Bus station. Close up of Albanian bus heading for Berat.
  19. Albania photo of Tirana: Bus station. Albanian buses to Polican, Berat, Gjirokaster.
  20. Albania photo of Tirana: mosaic mural on Sheshi Skënderbej (Skanderbeg square), facade of the national museum of history. The mural entitled Albania shows Albanians victorious from Illyrian times to World War II
  21. Albania photo of Tirana: mosaic mural on Sheshi Skënderbej (Skanderbeg square), facade of the national museum of history. The mural entitled Albania shows Albanians victorious from Illyrian times to World War II

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